A round up of the best cartoons of 2015. Pick your favorite!
First published in Der Standaard, Belgium, September 4, 2015. By Ruben L. Oppenheimer.
First published in The Guardian, U.K., May 10, 2015. By Chris Riddell.
“#Big assholes.” First published in Le Monde, France, January 9, 2015. By Plantu
First published in Der Tagesspiegel, Germany, September 23, 2015. By Klaus Stuttmann.
“What a pity! We were a few centimeters away from an agreement.” First published in Le Vif/L’Express, Belgium, July 2, 2015. By Nicolas Vadot.
First published in The International New York Times, May 7, 2015. By Chappatte.
Tsipras: “And try to keep your mouth shut FOR ONCE!” Varoufakis: “I can’t promise anything.” First published in Berliner Zeitung, Germany, July 7, 2015. By Heiko Sakurai.
First published in De Standaard, Belgium, November 28, 2015. By Ruben L. Oppenheimer.
First published in The Buffalo News, U.S., January 30, 2015. By Adam Zyglis.
First published in the Sunday Times, South Africa, May 17, 2015. By Zapiro.
First published on Caglecartoons.com, The Netherlands, November 19, 2015. By Joep Bertrams
First published on POLITICO.com, U.S., July 5, 2015. By Matt Wuerker.
First published in Kleine Zeitung, Austria, September 5, 2015. By Petar Pismestrovic.
First published in The International New York Times, September 26, 2015. By Chappatte.
First published on POLITICO.com, U.S., July 15, 2015. By Matt Wuerker.
“Oh! That? That’s nothing! It’s the human resources manager!” First published in Le Monde, France, October 6, 2015. By Plantu.
First published in The Columbia Daily Tribune, U.S., June 30, 2015. By John Darkow.
First published on Caglecartoons.com, U.S., May 27, 2015. By Bill Day.
First published on POLITICO.eu, Belgium, October 29, 2015. By Liza Donnelly.
First published in La Vanguardia, Spain, August 17, 2015. By Kap.
First published in The Columbus Dispatch, U.S., May 7, 2015. By Nate Beeler.
First published in El Universal, Mexico, November 14, 2015. By Angel Boligan.